
Brew House India Pale Ale (IPA)

BrewHouseBoxBrew House beer kits provide high-gravity worts made entirely with malts, adjuncts, and hops, with no additives or extracts. With no boiling – just stirring and careful racking – the Brew House kits produce true-to-style craft beer, made with the same ingredients and methods used by professional brewers.

India Pale Ale was developed in England to withstand the long journey to India during colonization. Brew House India Pale Ale has a copper-golden color and medium aroma hops, with a slightly higher starting gravity and hop rates than the Pale Ale. Recommended serving temperature is 55 °F (13 °C).

Size Yield Ready Time Bitterness OG Color Malts Hops
15 L 23 L 5 Weeks 50 IBU 1.051-1.053 Dark Golden, Copper Pale, Munich, Cara-pils, Carastan Centennial for bittering, UK Goldings for aroma


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