
Pre-emergents and Fertilizers

Fall Pre-emergents and Fertilizers Fall Pre-emergents and Fertilizers

The best time to apply pre-emergents and fertilizers to your lawn is in early spring and early fall. We recommend using pre-emergent weed control products such as Hi-Yield Turf & Ornamental Weed and Grass Stopper containing Dimension or Fertilome’s Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery. These chemicals will stop and control unwanted weeds and grasses if applied at the correct time of the season.

For organic lawn care, apply Nature’s Guide Corn Gluten Meal or Corn Gluten Meal Granules now to help stop those unwanted weeds and grasses. Nature’s Guide Corn Gluten Meal or Granules should be applied at the rate of 20 lbs per 1000 sq. ft. and should also be applied several times throughout the year. All of these recommended pre-emergents will not cause harm to any established lawns, trees, shrubs, or flowers. This means any plant with an established root system (including weeds) will not be affected by a pre-emergent treatment.  Don’t apply a pre-emergent now if you have plans to overseed your lawn with ryegrass or fescue seeds. The pre-emergent will prevent rye, fescue, and other grass seeds from sprouting.

Follow your pre-emergents with a fertilizer, especially if using organic fertilizers such as Nature’s Guard 4-3-2 or 9-2-2. The key is to get the fertilizer down PRIOR to the next rainfall.

Our Products

  • Dimension 12-pound bag
  • Dimension 35-pound bag
  • Dimension 50-pound bag
  • Gallery 10-pound bag

Please call for pricing (817) 281-7252.

Watch as Scott Foreman walks us through the right pre-emergents and fertilizers to meet your needs.

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3801 Colleyville Blvd. map
Colleyville, TX 76034

Contact Info
Phone: (817) 281-7252
Fax: (817) 581-4335
email: info@foremansinc.com

Store Hours
Monday – Saturday 8:00 am – 5:30 pm

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