All of our recent rain has stirred up the biting insect pests and you’re probably seeing them out in force. If fleas, ticks, mosquitos and fire ants caused problems for you last year, Foreman’s General Store has a number of products to help you get ahead of them now!
The result of all the rain looks like another bad year for the threat of mosquito-borne illnesses such as West Nile and now Zika Viruses. Take preventative action now to eliminate mosquitoes and their larvae. Remove all standing water, place mosquito dunks in birdbaths and rain barrels. Mosquito Barrier is an amazing garlic based product we offer at Foreman’s. Because mosquitoes are soft-bodied insects, garlic is highly toxic to them in high concentrations. Mosquito Barrier spray will eliminate mosquitoes without harming other insects— a gallon of Mosquito Barrier will cover up to 4 treatments a year. And, when mixed with canola oil, this product can be applied to standing water and will suffocate mosquito larvae. We also carry Mosquito Sticks, the Skeeter Screen Patio Egg, Personal Spray and Patio Candle to ward the mosquitos off your outdoor spaces and you!
Apply insect killing sprays to your yard now. We recommend Martin’s Cyonara 9.7 or Adams Plus Yard Spray for lawns: this yard spray is an emulsifiable concentrate with a convenient hose-end sprayer. Contains permethrin to kill fleas, ticks, mosquitos, ants and crickets on lawns, yards, flowers and shrubs for up to four weeks. One quart treats up to 5,000 square feet. For organic treatments, granulated molasses and 20% Vinegar are all effective products for eliminating insect pests. After you add insecticide to your lawn, apply flea and tick products to your pets to keep the pests from invading your pet’s fur and indoors. Foremans General Store offers a variety of flea control including; Frontline plus for dogs and cats, Advantage for dogs and cats, Advandix, Capstar, Bio spot, Spectra Shield collar medallions, All ADAMS Flea products. Come by and shield your pets today!
As you may have already seen the evidence, the rain also already brought out the fire ants. Treat mounds with Amdro Plus and use your broadcast spreader to thoroughly treat your lawn. For organic treatments, spray the site with compost tea plus orange oil or d-limonene at 2 ounces per gallon of spray. Homemade citrus oil can be made by soaking citrus peelings in an equal amount of water for 10 days to two weeks.